The most reliable storage in the world.

We are proud to offer the finest quality discs in the world from DELKIN DEVICES.
How are Archival Gold CD-Rs different from standard discs?
The most noticeable difference is that inferior quality discs
typically have a limited useful life of 1 to 5 years. Exposure to natural
elements like UV light, heat, and humidity as well as cheap manufacturing techniques
and inferior design will cause quick deterioration to most CD's over time
In contrast, thirty percent of the cost to produce a Delkin Archival Gold
disc can be attributed to the use of 24 karat gold, one of the most inert
elements on earth. More importantly, gold has proven to be highly effective
in preventing oxidation, which is the classic cause of disc failure.
Delkin's unique Scratch Armor resistant coating serves as an additional
guard from scratches, scuff, dirt and even chemicals, adding ten times more
protection than similar uncoated media.
Although many professionals carelessly choose to safeguard their images on a
hard drive, there are several disadvantages to using this type of storage
In fact, using any form of mechanical hardware presents the risk of
physical breakage or outright failure, with little hope of retrieving your
valuable data. Furthermore, it is impossible to ensure that the data on a
hard drive has not been modified, which is especially important in the case
of event photographers that may need to occasionally refer back to their
original images.
Archival Gold discs conveniently ensure that your data has
not been tampered with, modified or rewritten. Similarly, solid state
devices like CompactFlash cards are limited to a 10-year retention rate.
Because all Flash memory cards require a periodic surge of electricity to
continue working properly over time, this means that leaving your archived
card unused for too long can result in permanent data loss.
In order to fully understand the benefits that Archival Gold storage offers,
it is important to appreciate the intricate technique used to manufacture
each of these remarkable CD-Rs.
While traditional discs are built in 5 standard layers and intended for short-term use, our extra layer CD-Rs are
manufactured with the following strict design standards:
1- The first layer, consisting of polycarbonate substrate, serves as a basis
for the disc's physical form. Although it is important to keep this exposed
layer protected from damage, it is a common misconception that it is the
only layer that must remain free from environmental contact- especially
because it does not hold any digital data.
2- The far more crucial dye coated layer, however, is made up of countless
data bits. While the vast majority of CD-Rs are manufactured with either an
inexpensive Azo or Cyanine dye, Archival Gold recognizes that these
substances accelerate data deterioration and disk rot. Our specialized
Phthalocyanine dye withstands the threat of UV light, humidity and heat.
Secondly, this dye possesses a much quicker reaction to the writing laser
used to read the data than standard dyes. As a photographer, this means CD
drives can easily transfer your images with absolutely no visible errors
when being viewed through your device.
3- As mentioned, a unique Archival Gold 24 karat gold-sputtered layer takes
full advantage of this element's inert qualities. Unlike silver and aluminum
based reflective layers, gold is naturally resistant to oxidization that
causes errors, corrosion and data degradation to the essential dye layer.
Oxidization is oftentimes made visible through markings and even
discoloration on the polycarbonate layer. Delkin's carefully controlled
manufacturing processes further prevents threat of disc rot.
4- A lacquer coating that is present in all standard CD-R discs is the
primary and necessary protective layer for your data.
5- Only Archival Gold discs utilize an additional Scratch Armor protective
layer. We feel that this layer plays a crucial role in protecting your files
because of its strategic placement near the data itself- especially because
the top of the disc is oftentimes neglected by the user.
6- All Archival Gold discs are manufactured with a thermal printable gold
color surface. Delkin also now offers all of our discs with Inkjet printable
surfaces, allowing you to customize in the convenience of your home.
Delkin Devices' Archival Gold specs are based on international temperature
and humidity standards to obtain an accurate longevity rating. Each disc is
subjected to an accelerated aging chamber and periodically removed to ensure
that it is capable of writing and playing back data properly. These strict
standards are merely one more way that Delkin Devices strives to manufacture
the highest quality products for our valued customer base.
Delkin and 'Archival Gold' are the sole property of Delkin Devices, Poway, CA 92064, and are used with permission.